Jouw kind is ziek en wordt opgenomen in het ziekenhuis. Voor een operatie, een behandeling of een (onbekende) ziekte. Of het een lang of kort traject is, maakt niet uit.  Het is ingrijpend voor jouw kind maar ook voor jouzelf.  Zijn of haar vriendjes en vriendinnetjes zullen willen weten hoe het gaat. Opa’s en oma’s, andere familieleden, buren en collega’s zullen appen en bellen. Goedbedoeld maar je zult er niet altijd tijd of energie voor hebben. Je wilt er immers zijn voor jouw kind.
Het is wel belangrijk om de lifeline with your network intact. You cannot do without the support and help of family, neighbours and friends during a difficult period.

That's why we developed Stamps. A free app where you very easily keep track of how you are doing in a safe environment. You invite loved ones via a unique code. They can read and sympathise with you.

Being able to read back helps with processing
Wellicht is jouw kind nu te klein en heeft hij of zij niet door wat er allemaal gebeurt en wat hij meemaakt. Misschien is je kind te ziek om zelf bij te houden wat er aan diagnoses en behandelingen gebeurt in het ziekenhuis. En hoe hij of zij zich daarbij voelt. Een hoop vergeet je gelukkig ook weer snel.
Stamps users say they benefit greatly from being able to read back what they all experienced. To be able to read who all came to visit. What sweet cards and presents they received. Who they were in the room with and the names of the nurses who were at their bedside every day. How often they underwent treatment and how they felt afterwards. The more you write down in an update in Stamps now, the finer for later.
In Stamps, you create a memory book very easily when it's all over. With or without photos, with or without reactions. Research has shown that being able to read back and reflect on a course helps you process what you have experienced. Stamps' layout also makes it very easy to see what happened by date.

Using Stamps as a diary
There can always be reasons why you don't want to share with others how the illness and recovery are progressing. You can then use Stamps as a digital diary. If you do not invite anyone, or just a few, to read along, Stamps gets that function. You then write how your child is doing as often as you want. You can choose to also describe how you as parents are doing. How are you coping with the tension. How do you cope with the hustle and bustle of driving up and down to the hospital. Perhaps you also have the care of other children. When you read this back later, when everything is over, you will be amazed at how you did it all.

Our tips

  1. Create an account and traject on Stamps account en traject aan op Stamps.
  2. Write two to three times a week (minimum) how your child is doing and what you are experiencing
  3. Share both facts and feelings.
  4. Add nice little details. What made that day special?
  5. When it's all over, have a remembrance book printed.

