Het verhaal van Stamps

In 2021 I got diagnosed cancer for the third time in my life. As I was heading for an intensive medical journey with amongst others things 18 chemo’s, I resigned as board member communication for the Dutch Foodbanks. A painful decision as my colleagues were very precious to me. I informed my network in the app daily about my medical as well as daily experiences and emotions. I received a lot of support in return from my family, friends and colleagues. It gave me the feeling I did not have to do it alone. A feeling I want everybody to have in times like these.

When my mother, Pien, was diagnosed with cancer, many thoughts crossed my mind. I did not have to go through the medical procedure myself. Fortunately and unfortunately because I would have done it with love for her if I could have. What I could do, was support her the best I can. Be there for her when necessary. But what is necessary? What kind of support did she need? Does she want to talk about her disease? As she gave regular short updates, I was always fully aware of her well-being. It was good to know when my help was wanted. And it’s that feeling that I want everybody to have in times like these.

Our mission

Wij willen mensen en hun naasten de verbindende kracht van aandacht laten ervaren in moeilijke tijden zoals bij ziekte of rouw.

You have to go through a medical or health journey on your own. Since you are the one that undergoes the medical treatments,. You must make the effort and have the discipline, hopefully to get better. You suffer the physical consequences.

De emotionele consequenties hoef je niet alleen te dragen. Familie, vrienden maar ook kennissen of  (oud)collega’s leven met je mee. Willen er voor je zijn. Ervaring leert dat als je open communiceert, je veel oprechte aandacht en steun ontvangt. Niet alleen voor jezelf, maar ook voor je familie en vrienden. Daarom is het onze missie om iedereen die het nodig heeft de verbindende kracht van Stamps te laten ervaren. De kracht van aandacht. Wij weten wat het ons heeft gebracht en dat gunnen we iedereen.

Our core values


We believe that in this age of transparency openness is a condition for every organisation. It is for us anyway. We believe in the power of open communication. We will therefore be transparent about our goals, partners, salary policy and charity programs.


Lots of research has been done about the healing aspects of positive psychology. At Stamps we stimulate our users to investigate positive elements during their journeys. Large or small.
We are aware that there will be difficult moments. We hope to motivate our users to communicate truthfully about their feelings and emotions.


Together we are stronger. By sharing experiences with your network, you will experience their support. Although you have to undergo your medical journey yourself, you don’t have to feel alone. Experience and research teach that openness connects.


We guarantee a safe environment in the app. Users can trust that they can share their experiences and emotions safely. It’s up to users who they invite to read their updates. 

Our social enterprise

Het belangrijkste doel van Stamps is om impact te creëren, daarom maakten wij van Stamps een sociale onderneming. We willen zoveel mogelijk mensen die een moeilijke tijd doormaken, bijvoorbeeld wegens ziekte of rouw, verbinden met hun dierbaren. Dit doen we op twee manieren: nu nog alleen via de Stamps App en op termijn via ons goede doelen beleid.

Social entrepreneurs like to say: think social, act business. Making a relevant impact is as important as making a financially healthy result. Stamps is a member of socialenterprise.nl. Read more about social entrepreneurship and the conditions to become one on their website.

Our team

Tess van Logtestijn Stamps

Tess van Logtestijn


Graduated in psychology and business economics. Has a passion for people, behaviour and preventive mental and physical health.

Pien de Ruig Stamps App

Pien de Ruig


Jarenlange ervaring in marketing en communicatie opgedaan bij corporates, MKB en goede doelen organisaties. Werken voor impact gedreven ondernemingen geeft haar verreweg de meeste energie.


Niels, Ian en Bart


PopupIO is onze partner in de ontwikkeling van Stamps. Met passie voor technische en impact-start-ups helpen ze met alle aspecten van de ontwikkeling

Raad van Advies

Anneke Sanderse Stamps

Anneke Sanderse

Voormalig directie en raad van bestuur van ziekenhuizen

Paul van Logtestijn Stamps

Paul van Logtestijn

Ondernemer, vader, echtgenoot

Caroline van der Graaf Stamps

Caroline van der Graaf

Fondsenwerving professional

Janine Tillema Stamps

Janine Tillema

Ondernemer online retail, mentor

Hans Maltha Stamps

Hans Maltha

Ondernemer, tech adviseur

Our charity policy

What counts most for us is, impact first. We are a social enterprise. Our profits will be invested in our users in time. By doing so, we'll contribute to our mission. We will continue to invest in the development of our app. Development will be based on the input of our users - their wishes will be leading.

Maar wij willen graag wat extra’s gaan bieden aan de patiënten die de app gebruiken. Extraatjes die hen ook emotionele ondersteuning geven. Zodra we uit de kosten zijn, gaan we teruggeven.

De definitieve keuze gaan we in samenspraak met onze gebruikers en onze partners maken. Zij hebben vast veel  waardevolle ervaringen en ideeën.