Terms of use (We translated Stamps' legal terms and conditions with DeepL. In case of ambiguities as a result, we fall back on the Dutch text.)

Welcome to Stamps! Before using the app Stamps, would you please read these terms of use (‘Terms’) carefully? These terms of use apply to the services (‘Service’) offered to you by Stamps B.V. (‘Stamps’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’, ‘our’) based in the Netherlands with Chamber of Commerce number 85343544, free of charge. This therefore relates to your use of Stamps, via the website, Android or iOS application. It includes Terms that we and you (‘User’) agree to when you create an account. The Service includes all services, features, the technology and software required to do so. 

Accept terms and conditions

When you create an account in Stamps, you agree to these Terms and Conditions and to our Privacy Statement. We may unilaterally change these Terms and Conditions. When we make an amendment to these Terms and Conditions, we will communicate this to our users one (1) month in advance. You as a user then have the right to withdraw, or cancel, the agreement. 

If any part of the Service is performed by a third party, such as printing the memory book, you will also be deemed to accept the terms and conditions of this party in order to use this service.

Stamps' Service

We are happy to provide you with Stamps' Service free of charge under these Terms and Conditions. We do this to fulfil Stamps' mission: to ease your emotional journey for you and your precious network. 

In Stamps, you can easily write down your story and add pictures. Writing it down helps in processing; you write it off. But you also let your whole network know at once, so you don't have to tell the difficult story over and over again. In doing so, you can invite your network to follow you and easily keep them updated this way. They can respond to your stories by giving an emoticon or a response in words. They also have the option to send you a card or a kindness in the app or by post. Additionally, Stamps offers a ‘Wall of Love’, the digital pinboard, where you can post a photo or text permanently on someone else's profile.

Finally, Stamps offers the option of having your story, the written responses, and the Wall of Love printed into a commemorative book. The Services are explained in more detail at http://www.stamps-app.com.


To be in touch with you, Stamps may send newsletters. The newsletter is on an opt-in basis. That means you have to explicitly sign up for it. In addition, Stamps sends service e-mais for technical and operational purposes, for example to alert users to certain functionalities. These e-mails are not based on opt-in, but you will receive them automatically upon registration.

Our data policy

Providing our Service requires information to be collected and used, or ‘Processed’. Stamps processes data fully in line with the General Data Protection Regulation. In our privacy statement explains how we collect, use and share information. It also provides information on your rights regarding your personal data. 

Registration and account

You can only use the Stamps app if you register as a user. Registering as a user involves creating a username, using a correct e-mail address and creating a password. This is very important to us because this way we can offer a secure environment with Stamps. No one can just read along, a writer must first accept you as a User with an account. It is important that you keep this information up-to-date. We recommend using your own name as your username so that your loved ones can recognise you in the app. You may use an alias instead of your real name, but you may not use false information and/or register under another existing name.

When you create an account in Stamps and thus agree to these Terms, guarantee that you are of legal age or have the permission of an authority/older to enter into a binding contract. To download Stamps, you must be at least 14 years old. If you are under 18 years old, you will need permission from your parent or guardian. To create a track in Stamps, you must be at least 18 years old. You are not allowed to:

- choose an offensive, obscure, vulgar or other unlawful username;

- create an account if you were previously removed for violating this Agreement or the law;

We reserve the right to refuse and/or modify any registration or username. As a User, you bear responsibility for treating your account with care and for keeping your password secret. You may not use someone else's login details without that User's permission. If someone does use your account without permission, or other security violations take place that you know about, you must let Stamps know immediately. This can be done via info@stamps-app.com.

Safety of your account

Your profile defaults to private and is shielded via a two-part protection mechanism. To find you, you must share a unique code, linked to you as a User, with your network. Other Users can then find you through this code. As a second and final step, it is up to you to accept the other User. You are responsible for who you share your code with and who you accept to follow you. You still have the option later to deny followers the rights again. If you do so, they will no longer be able to follow your journey. 


Rules about Content

We want Stamps to be a safe fine place where you can share your story or follow someone else's story. That is why we think it is important that Users treat each other with respect. That is why we have set up some rules about behaviour and also about the Content you are allowed to post.

For the purposes of this Agreement, ‘Content’ refers to all texts, images and comments under texts, made possible by the Stamps Service. Your behaviour concerns the posting of Content, such as stories and pictures, as well as reactions to posts. 


All Content must be intellectual property of the person posting the Content. Do not post Content for which you do not have rights. Stamps cannot guarantee authenticity about the Content that users post. Users choose what to share or not to share. As a user, you indemnify Stamps for the use of the Service. You bear all risk for the Content you post. You therefore agree that you are solely responsible and liable for any direct or indirect damage, loss or claims arising from this Content. |


User may not:

  • post harmful, fraudulent, illegal, unlawful, hateful, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, defamatory, racist, threatening, abusive or otherwise offensive Content, or other information that Stamps reasonably believes to be inappropriate. In addition, you may not mislead, deceive or intentionally share false information;
  • post private data or information that could lead to identity fraud. Think of data such as credit card numbers, other financial or personal data, or confidential information such as passwords. This concerns private data and information belonging to you but also to others.
  • share information such as photos, names or health information, or other very personal information about others, without explicit permission from the person you are writing about. Do not share anything that violates other people's rights;
  • sell, license or purchase data when obtained from us or through our Service. You may also not sell any parts of your account, such as login details, profile pictures or texts;

User may not post Content or use the Service:

  • to spam, conduct commercial activities, advertise, or sell illegal products;
  • when you are violating the law by doing so;
  • when it takes an unreasonably large share of Stamps' infrastructure;
  • to impede or thwart the functioning of Stamps, such as by posting too many requests at the same timeDDOS aanvallen);
  • to perform actions that involve the use of software viruses or other computer code, worms, logic bombs, files, or other programmes or code that are intended to disrupt, disrupt, damage or limit Stamps. You must not do anything that impairs the operation of Stamps or results in access to Stamps systems, data or passwords. You must also not instruct anyone to perform any of the above.

You retain intellectual property over the Content you post within Stamps. When you post Content to Stamps, you grant Stamps a non-exclusive, transferable, worldwide, royalty-free, fully paid-up, assignable and sub-licensable right to use, copy, translate, perform, display, distribute and create derivatives of your Content in the context of our Service. In doing so, we observe your Privacy Preferences.

Your privacy preferences are currently set to private by default. When you decide to share your journey with loved ones, you go through two steps (1: share your unique code. 2: accept follow requests). We then show the content from your journey to the person you have accepted. 

You give us permission to display your username, photo, following relationships and Content, taking into account your Privacy preferences.

Access to your Content

Stamps handles your Content very carefully. Stamps keeps access to your Content as limited as possible. The content is managed by a third party, the administrator. Only this administrator has direct access to your Content. The administrator has stored the data in the database on Digital Ocean; the administrator ensures and manages the security measures surrounding the Content; the administrator ensures that a backup of the data is made automatically; and the administrator sends the data, changes data and deletes it if requested. The administrator can also view the data to monitor the functionality of the app, if there is permission from the user in question. Stamps does have the right to view, store, modify, and display your Content when it is important:

  • to detect and prevent fraud, monitor conduct within Stamps, or address other security or technical issues;
  • comply with applicable laws or comply with legal process or governmental requests;
  • to protect the security of Stamps and its users.


The right to monitor Content

We reserve the right, but have no obligation, to monitor Content. We will not proactively monitor the Content. We also do not check the background and information (username, etc.) of our users. We don't want to read along with you. We therefore take no responsibility and are not liable for the Content that is posted, or for the Users who enter Stamps. For this reason, we cannot guarantee the quality of Content. We also cannot guarantee that offensive or otherwise annoying Content will appear in Stamps. 

When we decide to monitor certain Content, we do so discreetly. If you are bothered by a User who posts annoying Content for you, you can report this at mailto:info@stamps-app.com.We will then do our best to deal with this with integrity and handle it correctly. 

Consequences of the Content

Because we do not proactively monitor, you acknowledge in entering into these Terms that Stamps has no monitoring role and no obligation to take any action regarding which users access the Service, what Content is posted through our Service, how you use the Interprets Content, or what takes place as a result of this Content. The Service may therefore contain information that is offensive or inappropriate to you. Stamps is not responsible or liable for the accuracy, legality, soundness, or intellectual property rights of the Content available on our Service. 

In addition, we are not responsible and/or liable for any damage from the following relationships that you accept on your profile. We cannot guarantee appropriate behavior of other users. We are not liable for any harm resulting from your or other users' conduct or Content that occurs through our Service, including but not limited to physical harm, emotional distress, or other harm resulting from or resulting from any User Content. content. That is why we ask you to be responsible with your tracking relationships in Stamps.  

Right to Remove Content

We have the right to delete your account or Content, even without announcing this. This can be done without involving you and Stamps is not responsible to you or third parties. We may do this when:

  • You make a request from you as a user;
  • You are in breach of contract based on this Agreement or other agreements and guidelines;
  • This is requested by legal authorities;
  • There are technical or safety problems;
  • There are longer periods (more than a year) of inactivity. 

We will not comply with your request to delete data when it is necessary for the detection of illegal activities, this is not possible due to technical limitations, when we detect violations of these Terms and Conditions, when we have to comply with legal obligations, or when we comply with legal requests. bodies or authorities must comply. The content is then stored until it is no longer necessary.Stamps is not entitled to provide you with a copy of the Content.

Engaging third parties

Stamps is entitled to engage third parties for its services. Stamps has partnerships with third parties for, among other things, printing the memory book and technical support. If personal data is exchanged in collaboration with third parties, Stamps will conclude processing agreements with the third parties in order to ensure the security and care of shared data.

Provision of the Service

We do our best to provide the Service at all times. However, we cannot guarantee that the service will be (fully) functional at all times, without delays.

Validity of agreement

This agreement is valid until you decide to delete your account and data. The Content will then be removed from the Service. You also have the option to delete your journey or individual updates, texts or photos yourself. These are then immediately removed. However, the Content may be retained if you or someone else has a copy or download of it. In addition, it can remain on our server backup for a period of seven days, but then it will no longer be accessible. We can terminate the agreement with a notice period of 2 months. During these two months you have the right to request your data and we will send it to you.


Stamps is not liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from an unlawful act, (attributable) shortcoming, or on any other basis, arising from our Service. 

Governing law

You and Stamps agree under these Terms that if you take any action to resolve a dispute based on our Service or related to our Service, you will take that action within one (1) month after the cause of action arose . After one month, the reason for taking action as a result of a reason expires. 

These Terms and Conditions and any other disputes arising from them will be subject to Dutch law. All disputes or claims are subject to the exclusive law of the court of Amsterdam. 

Integration and severability clause

These Terms are the agreement between you and Stamps regarding the use of the Service. This agreement supersedes all prior communications between you and Stamps regarding the Service. If one or more parts of these Terms are unenforceable, they will be excluded to the minimum extent possible so that the remainder of the Terms remain in force. Failure to enforce one or more of these Terms will not be used to enforce other rights, now or in the future. If we do release liability in specific cases, this does not mean that we will do so again in the future.

Other provisions

We will not be liable for our failure to enforce our responsibilities under this Agreement in situations of force majeure, such as, but not limited to, technical, mechanical or communications failure or breakdown. These Terms are personal to you and are not transferable or sublicensable without our written consent. Stamps may transfer, assign or delegate the entire service and therefore all agreements with users without approval or consent, for example in the event of a change of ownership or legal form. The Terms do not grant any rights to third parties. We reserve any rights not expressly granted to you. Unless otherwise stated in these Terms and Conditions, all notifications will be made by email.


All feedback is welcome. We may be able to use this input to further develop the Stamps app. If you have any ideas, please email us. This can be done at support@stamps-app.com. We can discuss the emails internally for possible further development.

Do you have a complaint about Stamps? Let us know at mailto:info@stamps-app.com We will give you a substantive answer within 10 working days or send you a message that the handling of your complaint will take a little longer.


You can download our Terms of Use here downloaden.

Contact us

Stamps B.V. is registered with the Chamber of Commerce with the Chamber of Commerce number: 85343544. You can contact mailto:info@stamps-app.com or at the following address:

Warandelaan 42

4904PD  Oosterhout


Privacy Statement

Stamps is an app that allows people to share various types of journeys with their loved ones, including health or illness journeys. Your privacy is of great importance to us. That is why your profile in the app is set to private by default and we have created a unique code that allows those you invite to find you in the app. You then need to give permission to accept other users as your followers in the app.

In dit document willen wij u informeren over waarom en hoe wij uw persoonsgegevens bewaren en gebruiken (‘verwerken’). Ook worden uw rechten met betrekking tot uw persoonsgegevens toegelicht.

About Stamps

With the Stamps app you can keep your network informed about your journey, for example your health or illness journey. This may include sensitive data, such as your health.In law, these data are called special personal data, to which extra security applies. The protection of these special personal data is guaranteed in this privacy statement.

All data is collected, processed and protected in accordance with the GDPR. Stamps B.V. is the controller. Our technical partner PopUp Plus is the processor of the data and a processing agreement has been concluded with them. They ensure the correct technical protection of your data. 

  1. This is how we handle your personal data
    We collect the following personal data via the app:
  • Your email address;
  • Your name (but you can also choose to use a fantasy name; in that case this is in principle not personal data);
  • Your password;
  • Your unique code (this serves to protect your account: you can only be found in Stamps if you share the code with others);
  • Your photo (but you can also choose not to upload it; in that case this is not personal data).
  • Your story, in which, if you wish, medical data is sometimes shared, only at your own request (and therefore with your explicit consent).

If you use the app and, for example, post photos or include private information in the text, this is also personal data that falls under the privacy rules. If a follower includes private information in her/his comment, it is also covered by the privacy rules.

In addition, we process the following data:

  • Who your followers are and who you follow.

The app is maintained by a specialized external company. We have entered into a processing agreement with that company to guarantee that your data and special data are treated confidentially. They have also taken various security measures to protect your data. 

We ensure that your personal data is treated safely and carefully, whereby we always comply with the requirements of privacy legislation. For example, your data will not be kept longer than necessary and your data will not be shared with third parties, unless this is necessary for our services or we have received permission from you. Access to your personal data is protected from unauthorized persons. In addition, we will regularly check our security measures and update them where necessary to prevent misuse, data leaks and unauthorized visits.


Data retention period

Your personal data will be retained until you decide that we can delete this data. Stamps applies a notice period for this agreement of 2 months. During these two months you have the right to request your data and we will send it to you. You can do this in the Stamps app, or you can email us at mailto:info@stamps-app.com with the request to delete data. 

You can delete the content you have added to your journey, your account and your updates at any time.

With whom we share your data

You can share your data with third parties by accepting someone as a follower (via a unique code). You can always withdraw your consent. This then falls under your responsibility. But if the follower's personal data ends up in our system, this falls under our responsibility and this privacy statement also applies to them.
For technical reasons, your data is shared with an external party that manages the server.We also share anonymized data for analytical purposes with parties that help us with the analysis: How many downloads do we get per month? How many routes are created? We use this data to improve the app.
If you make a purchase in the app, you will be redirected to a third party. These parties, Tradetracker and Awin, are themselves the controller in this case. The moment you go to one of our affiliate parties through us, they know at which IP address and from which source. They handle this data with care. We have no insight into your transactions or personal data from this transaction.  

We do not sell your data to third parties.

Your rights

By law you have the right to inspect the personal data as known to us. You also have the right to have your personal data changed if your data is not correctly registered with us. You also have the right by law to receive a copy of the personal data known to us, so that you can, for example, easily provide this data to another agency.

When your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed, we will delete it from our files. If, in your opinion, we have not done this sufficiently (quickly) or if, in your opinion, we have processed personal data incorrectly, you have the right to ask us to have the collected personal data removed from our systems. Your personal data will then no longer be known to us.

You also have the option under the law to have us temporarily suspend the processing of your personal data (this is the right to restriction). We may then only process your personal data to a limited extent during this period. 

Under certain circumstances, you have the right to object to further processing of your personal data by exercising your right to object. This is possible, among other things, if you object to the processing of your personal data in the context of direct marketing or statistical research.

We will inform you by email about any changes to our privacy statement. You can then indicate if you no longer agree with the privacy statement. 

Questions and complaints

If, after reading this statement, something is not clear about the way we handle your personal data, if you want to exercise one or more of the rights described, or if you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data by us , please contact us at the address below:

Stamps b.v.
Warandelaan 42
4904 PD Oosterhout

If we cannot find a suitable solution together, you have the right to file a complaint with the privacy supervisor, the Dutch Data Protection Authority. We recommend that you consult the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority to see how you can best contact this supervisory authority (https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/).



What's a cookie?

We make use of cookies on this website. A cookie is a simple small file that is sent with pages from this website and stored by your browser on the hard drive of your computer. The information stored therein can be sent back to our servers on a subsequent visit.

Posts on this site may contain embedded content (e.g. videos, images, messages, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves exactly the same as if the visitor had visited that other website.

Google Analytics

We do not use google analytics in our app Stamps. Your data are safe with us. 

A cookie from the American company Google is placed via our website as part of the “Analytics” service. We use this service to track and receive reports on how visitors use the website. Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally obliged to do so, or if third parties process the information on behalf of Google. We have no influence on this. We have not allowed Google to use the obtained analytics information for other Google services

The information that Google collects is anonymized as much as possible. Your IP address is expressly not provided. We use this for analytical purposes: How many visitors do we get per month? What are the quiet and busy hours? From which countries is our site visited? The information is transferred to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google states that it adheres to the Privacy Shield principles and is affiliated with the Privacy Shield program of the US Department of Commerce. This means that there is an appropriate level of protection for the processing of any personal data.

Personal data

If you sign up for our newsletter, we collect your email address, first and last name. You can unsubscribe at any time via the button under each newsletter or via the website.
Customer satisfaction research
Stamps seeks customer contact in various ways. If you contact us by email, you may receive an invitation to participate in a customer satisfaction survey. For this reason we use and store data such as your email address.We use the results of research to improve our services. This clause in this privacy statement forms the legal basis for this. We handle your personal data on the website in the same secure manner as in the app. See the section on this at the top of this document.

Tracking cookies for affiliate marketing

Stamps uses the services of TradeTracker.com. The aim of these services is to make it clear to advertisers and publishers which advertisements shown by publishers have led to which turnover, leads or other actions for advertisers. This means that the advertiser only has to pay a publisher when the publisher's displayed ad (or other required action) refers someone to the advertiser and that person makes a purchase. To obtain this insight, TradeTracker uses data, including cookies. This data relates to individuals, but these individuals are not identified by name. This is pseudonymous data relating to a single referral of an individual from one website to another, followed by a confirmation that the purchase has been made.

TradeTracker also maintains a database of referrals to individual devices. For example, TradeTracker can see whether an advertisement appears to someone on one devicevoorbeeld een telefoon, bekijkt, ertoe leidt dat die persoon op een van zijn of haar andere apparaten, bijvoorbeeld een laptop, overgaat tot een aankoop. Deze database maakt het identificeren van mensen aan de hand van hun naam onmogelijk en ook TradeTracker zelf is hiertoe niet in staat.

TradeTracker does not build profiles that show individuals' purchasing history over time. In addition, TradeTracker does not target advertisements for products and services to individuals based on their identified interests. TradeTracker only measures the effectiveness of specific online advertisements.

Right of access, correction, and removal of personal data

You have the right to access, correct or remove your personal data. Please open the contact page for our contact details. To prevent abuse, we might ask you to identify yourself adequately. If you wish to access your personal data in connection to a cookie, we request you to send us the cookie involved. You will find this in the settings of your browser.

Switching cookies on and off and deleting

You will find detailed instructions on how to switch cookies on or off and how to delete them in the Help-bar of your browser.

More information about cookies?

The following websites give detailed information about cookies:

Vragen & klachten

If you still have questions having read this statement about your personal data or if you want to make use of the rights described or if you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data, please contact us at:

Stamps B.V.
Warandelaan 42
4904PD  Oosterhout
Email: mailto:info@stamps-app.com

If we cannot find a suitable solution together, you have the right to file a complaint with the privacy supervisor, the Dutch Data Protection Authority. We recommend that you consult the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority to see how you can best contact this supervisory authority (https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/).