The story of Stamps

In 2021 I got diagnosed cancer for the third time in my life. As I was heading for an intensive medical journey with amongst others things 18 chemo’s, I resigned as board member communication for the Dutch Foodbanks. A painful decision as my colleagues were very precious to me. I informed my network in the app daily about my medical as well as daily experiences and emotions. I received a lot of support in return from my family, friends and colleagues. It gave me the feeling I did not have to do it alone. A feeling I want everybody to have in times like these.

Toen mijn moeder, Pien, die diagnose weer kreeg, zat ik met veel gedachten. Ik hoefde zelf dat traject niet door. Helaas, want ik zou het met liefde voor haar doen. Dat kan natuurlijk niet. Wat ik wel kan doen is steunen. Er zijn waar nodig. Maar wat is nodig? En wat voor steun waardeert ze? Wilt ze er eigenlijk wel elke keer over praten? Doordat ze dagelijks korte updates gaf, was ik op de hoogte. Het was fijn om te weten wanneer ik er kon zijn of dat minder goed uitkwam. Ook dat gevoel, gun ik iedereen.

Our mission

We want to connect people with their beloved ones during life-changing events and let them experience the power of attention.

You have to go through a medical or health journey on your own. Since you are the one that undergoes the medical treatments,. You must make the effort and have the discipline, hopefully to get better. You suffer the physical consequences.

You don't have to bear the emotional consequences alone. Family, friends but also acquaintances or (former) colleagues sympathise with you. They want to be there for you. Experience shows that if you communicate openly, you will receive a lot of sincere attention and support. Not only for yourself, but also for your family and friends. That is why it is our mission to let everyone who needs it experience the connecting power of Stamps. The power of attention. We know what it has brought us and we wish that to everyone.

Our core values


In deze tijd is transparantie volgens ons een voorwaarde voor elke organisatie. In ieder geval voor ons. Wij geloven in de kracht van open communicatie. We zullen daarom transparant zijn over onze doelstellingen, partners en salarissen.


We are aware that there will be difficult moments. We hope to motivate our users to communicate truthfully about their feelings and emotions.


Together we are stronger. By sharing experiences with your network, you will experience their support. Although you have to undergo your medical journey yourself, you don’t have to feel alone. Experience and research teach that openness connects.


We guarantee a safe environment in the app. Users can trust that they can share their experiences and emotions safely. It’s up to users who they invite to read their updates. 

Our social enterprise

Stamps' main goal is to create impact, which is why we made Stamps a social enterprise. We want to connect as many people as possible who are going through a difficult time, for example due to illness or grief, with their loved ones. We do this in two ways: currently only through the Stamps App and eventually through our charity policy.

Social entrepreneurs like to say: think social, act business. Making a relevant impact is as important as making a financially healthy result. Stamps is a member of Read more about social entrepreneurship and the conditions to become one on their website.

Our team

Tess van Logtestijn Stamps

Tess van Logtestijn


Graduated in psychology and business economics. Has a passion for people, behaviour and preventive mental and physical health.

Pien de Ruig Stamps App

Pien de Ruig


Years of experience in marketing and communications gained at corporates, SMEs and charity organisations. Working for impact-driven companies gives her by far the most energy.

Nico Stam

Product manager

He is delighted by meaningful products. With an open and curious mind always looking for great solutions. Has extensive experience in setting up online platforms.


Niels, Ian en Bart


PopupPlus is our partner in the development of Stamps. Passionate about technical and impact start-ups, they help with all aspects of development

Advisory Board

Anneke Sanderse Stamps

Anneke Sanderse

Former hospital management and board of directors

Paul van Logtestijn Stamps

Paul van Logtestijn

Entrepreneur, father, husband

Caroline van der Graaf Stamps

Caroline van der Graaf

Fundraising professional

Janine Tillema Stamps

Janine Tillema

Online retail entrepreneur, mentor

Hans Maltha Stamps

Hans Maltha

Entrepreneur, tech advisor

Our charity policy

What counts most for us is, impact firstWe are a social enterprise. If we make a profit, we will invest in our users end contribute to our mission.