What to write on a card for someone who is overworked? Or has burnout or is depressed?

Someone close to you is in emotionally heavy weather. For some time, you have wanted to call or drop by, but you lack courage or the distance does not allow it. Because what do you write on a card for someone who is overworked? Or has burnout or is depressed? Sweetheart, don't feel guilty. It is difficult, and feeling uncomfortable is part of it.
What is always a good idea, though, is sending a card. A soft thud on the mat, folded paper, with handwritten fine and warm words inside. An envelope of love.

But what do you write on a card to someone who has cancer? What words are appropriate for someone diagnosed with an incurable illness? What do you write to someone whose fourth IVF treatment has failed? Stamps is happy to offer you inspiration, so you don't let a lack of words hold you back.


Tekst voor Words for a card if someone is overworked, has a burnout or depression bij overspannenheid, burn-out of depressie

Dear manon,

You are not doing well, I heard. I was shocked by that and I feel bad for you!
I'm not quite sure what to say to you, but I want you to know that I'm thinking of you. And I'm here for you if you need me. Take care.

Lots of love,



dear John,

Life is against you, which sucks for you. You are in my thoughts, know that. I wish you much peace and light in this dark period. Call me if you need a chat? I'm here for you.

Hang in there.




Dear Bea,

Today I heared that you are not doing well. What a sad news. Is there anything I can do for you? I am happy to help you, with anything. Above all, don't feel too much! I hope you take the rest you need.

Kind regards



Find our collection of cards at the website of our partner Kaartje2Go

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