Easy interpretation of the S of ESG, with the S of Stamps

The S of Stamps

How can you easily flesh out the S of ESG? Just a reminder; an ESG strategy allows an organisation to contribute to creating a sustainable and socially inclusive future. It has many similarities to the former CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility. The concept of ESG is much broader, its importance is recognised globally and is therefore more in demand by larger companies. And wonderful to do one's bit for a healthy future of society, isn't it?

That E and that G, go well, but that S
De E (Environmental) is het meest bekend en voor veel bedrijven klaarblijkelijk ook de makkelijkste om in te vullen. Denk daarbij aan duurzame energie, CO2 uitstoot verminderen of een elektrisch autopark. Een structuur bedenken en invoeren, contouren van de G (Governance), is ook relatief makkelijk realiseerbaar. De S (Social) blijkt een stukje lastiger. Niet iedereen heeft daar direct een fantasie bij.
Lang niet elke ondernemer heeft ook de mensen en de middelen om een hele ESG-strategie, met ambities en bijbehorende processen in te voeren in een organisatie. Vaak zijn er wel kleine en grotere ideeën over het groener maken van een organisatie, maar wat kun je doen aan de S?

The S of Stamps
We do have an idea about that. At Stamps, we live through the S. At our Social Impact Enterprise, genuine connection and attention are key. When life is upside down, contact, compassion brings support and relief. We facilitate that at Stamps. We encourage people in Stamps to ‘do the small good’. That they bring small points of light with their actions and attention in challenging times. Very Social, in other words.

Start off simple
In een rapport van McKinsey A McKInsey report from 2022 describe three different levels of ambition for ESG: minimum, everyday practice and the next level. As part of the minimum ambition level, they describe the choice of donation. Donate financially, in-kind or volunteer. The scenario may sound unambitious, but it is useful to start with. And you can help a social impact company immensely with it. Especially if, like Stamps, it is still in a start-up phase.

Very concrete interpretation of the S with Stamps
We also like to keep it simple, just look at the options we offer

  1. Make a financial contribution! We use it to bring more people into genuine connection with each other.
  2. Purchase Christmas cards and birthday cards through Stamps. Volunteers developed a unique collection. We encourage app users to regularly send a card to someone whose life is turned upside down for whatever reason. A small effort with a big effect.
    Klik here als je meer wilt weten over de mogelijkheid om Stamps kaarten te bestellen. Of mail ons bij grotere oplagen
  3. We are looking for volunteers in online marketing, design (who else makes original and catchy cards?) and content creation. Cool if you are interested . Mail us at info@stamps-app.com mailt.
  4. Follow us om the socials (insta and Linkedin) and share our messages. It will help us raising awareness. And that we like, as we can make more impact that way.Insta, Linkedin en TikTok) en deel onze berichten zodat we meer naamsbekendheid krijgen. En ja, je raad het goed, dat willen we omdat we meer impact willen maken.

Contributing to a healthy future of society with ESG, who wouldn't want that? With Stamps, you easily fulfil the S of ESG!

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