What to write on a card for someone who has cancer?

Wat schrijf je op een kaart aan iemand die kanker heeft


What to write on a card for someone who has cancer? Or is terminal ill?

Someone close to you is in emotionally heavy weather. For some time you have wanted to call or visit, but you lack courage or the distance does not allow it. Dear person, don't feel guilty. It is difficult, and feeling uncomfortable is part of it. What is always a good idea, though, is sending a card. A soft thud on the mat, folded paper, with handwritten fine and warm words inside. An envelope of love. But what do you write on a card for someone who has cancer? What words are appropriate for someone diagnosed with an incurable illness? Stamps is happy to offer you inspiration so you don't let a lack of words hold you back. kaartje to someone who has cancer? What words are appropriate for someone diagnosed with an incurable illness? Stamps is happy to offer you inspiration, so you don't let a lack of words hold you back.


Dear Otto,

News reached us that you have been given a terrible diagnosis. We are at a loss for words... We send you love and light through this channel, in the hope that it will ease the darkness somewhat. Not a day goes by that we do not think of you.

Wishing you strength


Family Veerman


Dear family Peters

We heard from your son today. We really don't know what to say. Life is so incredibly unfair sometimes. You must be wondering: why on earth did he die? We don't know either... Through this way, we wish you strength in the difficult period ahead.

Warm greetings,

Family de Boer


Dear Sjaan,

What a shitty message. So sad!

I hope with all my heart that you can fill the time left to you in the best way possible. If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know. We'd love to be there for you, we'll visit you soon.

Love you!

Lots of love,

Jan, Jikke and children

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